The team

Post doc


Jan Degenaar studied Biology and Philosophy of Biology in Groningen, the Netherlands. He wrote his PhD Thesis in Philosophy on Perceptual Engagement: A Sensorimotor Approach to Phenomenal Experience (2012), at the University of Groningen and the University of Antwerp.
Research interests:
Philosophy of Mind; Philosophy of Cognitive Science; Perceptual Experience; Sensorimotor Approach.

Personal page


AlexAlexander Terekhov
PhD in Theoretical Mechanics, Moscow State University, 2007
MS in Applied Mathematics & Mechanics, Moscow State University, 2003


WitzelChristoph Witzel 

Research interests: Colour Vision: Colour categorisation, colour constancy, object colours, colour development, colour preferences

The Dress

lucia.fogliaLucia Foglia earned her PhD in Philosophy from the University of Siena, Italy. She was a Visiting Post-Doc at UC, San Diego and a Visiting Fellow at the Center for Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh. Most of her work and research experience fall within the scope of empirically-informed philosophy of mind and cognitive science. During her stay at LPP, she will focus on establishing the philosophical status of the sensorimotor theory within the broad class of theories of consciousness called “enactive” or “embodied”. This will include an evaluation of criticisms, as well as an analysis of the notion of self that is amenable to scientific investigation.

Personal page

frankFrank Schumann “My main research interest is in theories of embodied attention and perception. I have been particularly focused on the physiological correlates of sensory enhancement and acted as project leader for the feelSpace project. I also worked on visual attention during real-world behaviour using the EyeSeeCam eye-tracking setup. In the FEEL project, I continue my work on sensory augmentation”.



David Silverman completed a philosophy PhD in 2014 at the universities of St Andrews and Stirling. His doctoral research focused on defending and developing the philosophical foundations of the sensorimotor theory, and his postdoctoral work as part of FEEL systematically builds upon this, paying particular attention to theory’s accounts of consciousness and phenomenal character. He has broad research interests in philosophy of mind and cognition. Personal page


montoneGugliemo Montone earned a master degree in physics at the university of Naples “Federico II”. In 2014, he completed a PhD in Computer Science at the same university by developing a computational model of the mirror neurons system. At LPP he will investigate the way an agent, with no priory knowledge of the world outside, can be able to develop concepts as the concept of space or the concept of object.

Reasearch interest: Artificial Neural Network, Devlopmental Robotics.

Lab Manager

nicletteNiclette Bukasa Kampata studied Sociology and International Development Studies in Belgium and then specialized with a Master on International Project Management from the university Paris Sud 11. She has experience in the coordination of international project within  Erasmus + program (ex Tempus projects) in various domain such as capacity builing, education and research.